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Voting in Oakland County? This One's For You

Senin, 06 Oktober 2008
Voting in Oakland County this November?

If so, the League of Women Voters Oakland Area has just released its on-line
Voters' Guide for the November 2008 General Election. The Guide provides non-partisan information about candidates for offices at the City, School District, Township, County, State and Federal levels.

This year, the League has partnered with the Oakland County Bar Association and the Detroit Free Press to provide additional information on judicial races in the County. Ballot proposals also appear in the Guide where appropriate.

For the Guide, each candidate is given an opportunity to provide biographical information and to answer a number of questions on issues important to the office being sought. Responses are included as submitted and have not been edited, except for necessary cutting when replies exceeded the stated word limitations. If the candidate did not reply, the words "Did not reply in time for inclusion" appear after the candidate's name.

If you vote in Oakland County, check out the League's Guide. It will make you a more informed voter.

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