Do you own a Microsoft Zune, and wish you had access to more downloadable audiobooks? Now you do, thanks to a recent upgrade from OverDrive, a downloadable ebook/audiobook service offered by the Troy Public Library.
Previously, OverDrive offered downloadable audiobooks in the Windows Media Audio (WMA) format. These titles could only be transferred to a limited number of MP3 players. They could not be transferred to the most popular MP3 devices: the Apple iPod and the Microsoft Zune.
Starting in September, OverDrive began offering audiobook titles in the MP3 format as well as WMA format. Titles in the MP3 format can be transferred to all MP3 players, including the iPod and Zune.
Now, thanks to new software upgrades, Zune owners can transfer both MP3 and WMA format audiobooks from OverDrive to their Zune. You will need to download the latest version of the Zune software, and also download OverDrive Media Console v3.1 to use WMA titles on your Zune.
To see what OverDrive titles are available from the Troy Public Library, go to our homepage, click on "Downloadable eBooks, Audiobooks, and Videos" in the left-hand menu, and click "OverDrive".