Back in November I posted an entry about BookLetters -- a readers' advisory service TPL uses to recommend books, audiobooks and videos from our collection. We have since added five new lists, bringing the total up to 30 regularly updated booklists. Anyone can subscribe to these booklists by email or RSS feed, receiving direct updates as new lists are created.
In addition to our five new booklists, we now have over 400 patrons subscribing by email. Our most popular list, Staff Reads, has 100 subscribers. Another list to keep an eye on is our Newly Arrived DVDs newsletter which features popular movies recently added to our collection. Teens and adults alike can enjoy Caution! These Novels are Graphic -- a list of our newest and greatest graphic novels. Among the many lists for children, our patrons love How the World Works -- a monthly updated list of children's titles to capture a broad scope of interests.
If you would like to partake in this free readers' advisory service, you can view all of our custom booklists by clicking on "Find Books and Reviews" on our homepage. Among our 30 lists for different ages, interests and formats (books, playaway audiobooks, DVDs and more), you're sure to find something you like.