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Fast Boot with Windows XP

Kamis, 05 Maret 2009
Waiting is a boring job, waiting to start computer from booting up the windows ready to use it takes. But when we are in a hurry, the process can feel old. Many ways to speed up the booting windows xp, both with the software and tweaking with the RAM and hard drive capacity. Before it's all try to do the optimization booting time with empty hands, felt the increase was slightly, but not as closely as we use the software and upgrade hardware tweaking. For that follow the following steps:

1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:\

2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc".

3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "Shutdown" in the right window.

4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open".

5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.

6. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc".

7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"

8. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".

9. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".

10. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat step 9.

11. Reboot your computer.

After all the steps above, your computer will be faster at boot. Results may be different on each computer, depending on the configuration of hardware and software that is installed in the computer. Try to be more optimal to disable some of the applications that run when the autorun.

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