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Couric Uses Facebook to Evaluate New Administration

Rabu, 22 April 2009
CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric is asking viewers to evaluate the first 100 days of President Barack Obama’s government, reports Jennifer Van Grove, writing on Mashable. And she is using Facebook – the hugely popular website poised to become the number 1 social network in the world – to do it.

In a 48 second video clip posted to her page, Couric issues a video challenge to viewers: create a 20 second video on what Obama’s done wrong or right while in office, and post it to Couric’s Facebook page. The best videos will be included in a live broadcast from on April 29 at 7 pm.

Courac is a big user of Web 2.0, active on YouTube, Digg, and Twitter (@katiecouric).

According to Van Grove, Couric is
doing a fantastic job combining her star power with social media savvy to raise her profile on Facebook and grow the CBS audience through potentially viral channels. The power of massive comments, likes, and user-created Facebook videos, is that the CBS message gets dispersed to new audiences (friends of friends) with every act of sharing.”

Only those of you who have a Facebook page can post videos. If you are interested, you can watch the video and participate here.

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