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Library of Congress Shares More Videos Online

Selasa, 07 April 2009
One of my favorite things about the Internet is the wealth of cultural information online, to which I would never have access. The website of the Museum of Modern Art, for instance. Or the archives of the National Film Board of Canada.

More good news. The Library of Congress will begin sharing content from its video and audio collections on YouTube and Apple’s iTunes as part of a continuing effort to make its collection available to broad segments of the population.

Among the content expected to be shared include 100-year-old films from the Thomas Edison studio, book talks with contemporary authors, early industrial films from Westinghouse factories, first-person audio accounts of life in slavery, and inside looks into the Library's holdings, including the rough draft of the Declaration of Independence and the contents of Lincoln's pockets on the night of his assassination.

The new channels will launch within the next few weeks.

[via iLibrarian]

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