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Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

is a set of software tools that have access to the administrator at the level of the PC or network. He was able to hide the processes that are running and have permission to control the desktop. Because of its ability, the rootkit often injected by spyware, Trojan, phishing application or other harmful programs. Here are tips to avoid rootkit:

  1. Update your operating system patch frequently.
  2. Read and understand the EULA when installing a particular application.
  3. Avoid the installation of the application perr-to-perr (P2P).
  4. Avoid sites and programs that are less reliable.
  5. Use a secure browser.
  6. Perform configuration on e-mail application to block file attcahment with .vbs, .bat, .exe, .pif and .scr extensions, that often used for the spread of the virus.

To remember, not all rootkit is bad. A good antivirus software should be able to detect whether a good or bad rootkit. Next, the task is to determine whether the administrator will be installed rootkit in the system or not.

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