Occasionally, I come across a RSS feed subscription from which I only want certain articles. For example, I frequently follow Engadget Mobile via RSS feed. The problem is, I only want to see posts related to Verizon mobile products (as I am a Verizon customer), but there is no feed that allows me to only receive Verizon posts.
This is where FeedRinse steps in. FeedRinse lets you filter feeds based on keywords, authors, tags, and body information. All you have to do is enter your feeds into FeedRinse, create filters based on your interests, and then export your feeds back into your reader..
So with regards to my previously mentioned example, I would simply enter in the feed address for Engadget Mobile, and then setup my feed to only allow posts that have "Verizon" as a keyword. I then would export the new feed and receive only posts that I want to read.
I highly recommend FeedRinse to heavy RSS users, and anyone looking to cut back on their massive RSS overflow.