In a way, the World Book Online Reference Center itself is a gigantic ebook. This eResource contains the complete text of the print edition of the World Book Encyclopedia. You can easily search for encyclopedia articles by entering terms in the main search box.
One of the additional components that World Book Online Reference Center offers is a separate collection of ebooks. To access these ebooks, click on the “E-Book Center” link that is displayed on introductory World Book screen. World Book’s ebook collection consists of thousands of titles, covering both fiction and non-fiction. You can search by title and author, or click on the genre links to help find the ebook you want to read.
The majority of the ebooks in World Book Online Reference Center are in the public domain. Because of this, you will obviously not find any recent bestsellers. You will find classics such as Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, and Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
World Book Online Reference Center ebooks are displayed in the HTML format. Sections of them can be emailed and printed. They are always available online. Additionally, they can be downloaded to be viewed later on your computer.
To access World Book Online Reference Center, you can click the image at the top of this post. You will need a valid Troy Library card. To access it through the Library's website, go to troylibrary.info, click on eResources and then click on Encyclopedias and Reference. From the list that is displayed, select World Book Online Reference Center.