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iPad 2 from Apple is defeated by HP Touchpad Tablet from Hewlett Packard?

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011
Hewlett-Packard (HP) claimed to be successful in the realm of tablets like they were successful in the PC market. This will happen when HP launched Touchpad summer 2011 in Europe. It is claim for Eric Cador, The Head of HP for Europe.
HP is confident with their tablets, touchpad. Speaking at a press conference in Cannes, Cador even bragged touchpad would be better than the iPad.

Cador did not mention explicitly that ‘the number one’ in question is the iPad. But the public already guessed it anyway, remember all the people know that the Apple tablet that is currently the number one in the world.

Touchpad HP uses the operating system (OS) WebOS, the OS that was ranked fifthin market share currently dominated by Apple and Google. HP’s optimism is notwithout cause, WebOS bought from Palm, got quite a lot of positive comments and praise from commentators and analysts.

Source : brandimposter

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