Explaining the difference between iPad web apps and native apps IAD said that There are two types of apps available for iPad. One is native apps designed for particular device and iPad web apps designed for any device and are universal in use. Native apps are faster as it uses resources and capabilities of the device particular. You have to search the iPad web apps on internet while no need to search the native apps as you can download it from Apple store. You will feel more comfortable with native apps as it device for iPad use only while iPad web apps can be used on other devices. Native apps require knowledge of Objective C while iPad web apps can be designed using HTML5 and CSS3 as well as JavaScript. Native apps don't need internet connection to run while iPad web apps need internet connection to run. Native apps can be turned on or off easily and there is no fear of data lose while you can not easily turn on or off iPad web apps.
Native apps are closed platform while iPad web apps are universal and can be used on any device like Android, BlackBerry or Symbian. You can not get client-side functionality with the native apps while it is possible with iPad web apps as it uses HTML 5, CSS3 and JavaScript especially with local or offline use. IPad web apps are universal because you can switch between style sheet or redirect the pages on which device or browser you use. IPad native apps need registration in iTunes store while you can freely use iPad web apps as it need not to get approval from any market place.
if you want to use ipad web apps development services at IAD contact our representative.
Source : widepr