Toshiba recently unveiled its new F750 3D laptop that is equipped with all the latest features and support. This 3D enabled device has a resolution of 1920X1080 pixels. The 3D viewing glasses are provided by the company itself.
Here are some of the Toshiba Qosmio F750 3D specifications of the laptop:
Display: 15.6 inch Full HD screen that is capable of displaying 3D without any glasses.
Processor: Intel Core i7 (2.0 Ghz to 2.9 Ghz) processor
Graphics: NVidia GeForce GT 540M Graphics Card with a capacity of 2GB.
Hard disk: 640 GB SATA HDD (5400rpm)
RAM: 6 GB DDR3 RAM (1333MHz)
Drive: Blu-Ray RW drive
Webcam: HD web cam with eye tracking technology
Audio: Kardon Stereo Speakers with Dolby Surround
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit)
Connectivity: Wi-Fi 802.11(b/g/n), Bluetooth 3.0, 1x USB 3.0 and 2x USB 2.0 ports, Sleep and Charge. Multi Card reader.
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