SSD is now getting much attention from many vendors. In addition to the capacity the longer growing, SSD can be the alternative choice to replace the hard disk is vulnerable to impact. Recently, the original Japanese manufacturer SSD, Green-House launched 2 portable IDE SSDs, each with a size of 1.8 and 2.5 inch with the additional PATA interface. Both SSDs is coming with a capacity of 16, 32, 64 and 128 Gb.
Size 1.8 inch ZIF ATA interface using is capable of achieving write speeds up to 65 MBps and read speeds up to 55 MBps. For 2.5 inch size is also a speed that is almost the same as the 1.8 inch, 2.5 inch size difference using the old PATA interface (44-in IDE). Available in both SLC and MLC architecture.
The presence of two new SSD provides the opportunity on the user's desktop PC or notebook that is still using PATA as interfacenya, to be able to try new SSD made this Green-House. Although the actual interface PATA enough because they are now replaced with a SATA interface.