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Receive Library Calendar of Events by Email, RSS Feed

Selasa, 15 Juli 2008
Each month, at the Library, we offer a wide-range of activities, classes and programs. We have dozens of computer classes, cultural programs, youth story times, and teen events for you. Go to our calendar to view our programs. If a program requires registration, it will be underlined. Click on that program and register. If a program is not underlined, no registration is required. Just arrive on the day and enjoy!

You can also receive our events calendar directly to your email or RSS reader.

To receive our calendar by email, g
o to the calendar. Find an event in which you are interested. Click on the event to bring up the Event Registration page. Under the event name, click on the Notify Me link. Enter your name and email address. You will be sent updates of events in the same category as the event you selected. Those categories are Adults, Teens, Youth, Story Time, Family, or Cultural.

You can also subscribe to our calendar using an RSS reader. At the top of the calendar, click on the RSS Feed link. This will take you to a subscription page, where you can subscribe to our calendar using your favorite reader. Our calendar will update in your reader regularly.

Need more information? Leave a comment below and we'll get back to you.

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