If you made your way to this blog, you've probably noticed that the TPL website has undergone some big changes recently. We're in the process of upgrading our website to a dynamic format, which will make it easier to update and easier for our patrons to use. To move from our old web page to the new web page, we've made some changes to our current layout.
First, we brought the most commonly used features to be front and center. Links to our catalog, summer reading programs, programs calendar, and databases, as well as links to downloadable videos and this blog, are now featured on the home page. We also reduced the links on the left side to those most frequently used.
Do not worry -- all the Library information is still on our website. We are not getting rid of anything: we are trying to help you use the website in a new, more productive way. In the coming months we'll be designing a completely new Library website which will have all the same information and many new features which we are excited to share with our patrons.
Many people have asked us for a direct link to log into "My Account" from the home page. We hope to have this convenient feature on our new website. Unfortunately, we have tried to link to the "My Account Login" page directly from our current website, but due to the URL constantly changing, the link goes "bad" within minutes. With our current web development software this is not something we can fix.
In the meanwhile, you can log in to your account by following these steps:
1. Click on the iBistro catalog link on the home page where it says "Search for Books, DVDs and More".
2. Near the top right side of the screen, enter your library card number and PIN.
3. Click on My Account.
4. Click on Review My Account or Renew My Materials.
From here you can review the materials you have checked out and on hold. You can also renew items, but remember that there are three circumstances under which you can not renew your items. If your account is blocked, if your items are on hold for another patron, or if your items have exceeded the renewal limit, you will not be able to renew online.
If you've forgotten your PIN call the library at 248.524.3538 (Mon-Thurs, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Fri-Sat, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., or Sun, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.) or email us from the Ask a Librarian link in the left hand frame of our home page. You will be asked to provide your Library Card number and your Driver's License number so that we can verify your identity and release the PIN to you.