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More Use the Internet to Search for Jobs

Minggu, 01 Februari 2009
Another from the comScore 2008 Digital Year in Review (requires registration and .pdf download):

The top-growing Internet site category in 2008 was Job Search, growing 51% to 19 million visitors in December. Category leader,, jumped 78% to 9.1 million visitors.

As another sign of the worsening economy, Coupon sites witnessed a 46% increase during the year, reaching more than 31.5 million Americans in December. Women’s sites -- the largest category with 100 million visitors -- also increased 46% for the year.

And, as we have blogged about, the presidential election was played out, in large part, electronically: the Politics category went up to nearly 12 million visitors. attracted an average of three times as many visitors as during the course of the year on the road to victory.

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