"Online video viewing continued its rapid ascent in 2008, with 6% more people in the U.S. viewing 34% more videos versus a year ago... By November 2008, online video viewing accounted for 12.5% of Americans’ total time spent on the Internet, up from 8.5% in November 2007.
YouTube, with 40% market share in November 2008, continues to be a significant driver in the U.S. video market… the site generated 5.1 billion U.S. video views during the month, representing a 74% increase versus year ago.
Another developing trend in online video is the move from primarily short-form, user-generated content to more longform, professionally-created content, including full-length movies and TV shows. Hulu, the joint video venture of Fox and NBC, stormed onto the scene in 2008, generating a 57% increase in videos viewed during the past six months and currently ranking as the #6 video site by both unique viewers and videos viewed. Hulu also had an average viewing time of nearly 12 minutes per video in November, substantially higher than any other top video site and a major contributing factor to the increase in online video duration from 2.8 minutes per video to 3.1 minutes per video."
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Online Video -- Both Short and Long Form -- Skyrockets in 2008
And one final set of statistics from the comScore 2008 Digital Year in Review (requires registration and .pdf download):