Today, the World Cup started in South Africa. Billed as the world's largest sporting event, this international soccer (or should I say, football?) competition brings together 32 national teams to compete in a month long tournament to see who is best in the world. Web sites around the globe are covering and promoting the World Cup. Here are several fun sites to help celebrate this worldwide sporting event.
World Cup 2010 Twitter Replay
This site, from the Guardian newspaper in London, shows real-time replays of what people were talking about on Twitter during each World Cup game. This is a fascinating way to look at sports.
This is the website for the Federation Internationale de Football Association, the organization that puts on the World Cup. It features stats, schedules, news, and more. Also, it has a feature called Matchcast that allows you to track games that are in progress.
Firefox Cup
OK, so this site isn't directly related to the games that are happening at the World Cup. However, you can use it to dress up the Firefox web browser to show support for your favorite team.